Sunday 11 March 2012

Coming to an end...~

Well, my health Psych assignment (this blog) deadline is coming to a due date (which is tomorrow =P)...

Looking back at it, there are ups and downs in my progress. However, adjusting my sleeping time is something worth doing while I am still young.

I would still be continuing this habit to sleep at a fixed time to get adequate rest as best as I could =) nonetheless, thank you very much for your support!

It's eleven p.m! nighttttttsssssssssssss!

The day of change has arrived!!!!

Finally, success!!!!

Well, lately I’ve been getting pretty enough sleep (7-8 hours) consistently =P…. Apparently, the world now looks brighter in some way and I felt so much less fatigued! Sleeping time is improving slowly and hopefully it would be back to normal. Usually, I would sleep at about 3 a.m and wake up at afternoon. Well now, it’s getting earlier and earlier (not in the sense of ‘early in the morning’ a.m. but like 11 p.m plus).

Although sleeping time still is pretty messed up (sometime sleeping 11 p.m sometime 2 a.m), there definitely was improvement these days!

Usually I find it really hard to sleep at 11 p.m because my body is not used to it after a long long period of late hour sleeping. Now, I could fall asleep normally at 11 p.m.

The hardest part of course is maintaining this good habit. Towards the end of the semester, there would be a lot of assignments to handle and true enough, this semester is no exception. I realize in order for me to maintain this pattern of health behavior, I would need to complete my assignments early and consistently to avoid last-minute work which usually would need me to burn the midnight oil. After all, I would usually sleep late because of completing assignments.

Apart from that, I would also need to set my sleeping time to 11 p.m daily to improve my sleeping time because I would be having 8 a.m. class for three days in a week. I received many complaints from lecturer that I was not paying attention like how I used to @ 8 a.m. classes. Well, that is entirely my fault for being stubborn.

Alright, see ya soon! Will keep you updated with my progress! =)

Tuesday 6 March 2012

A healthy lifestyle! with a solid reason!!

Sleep is important to everyone's life. Even I myself realize the importance of getting enough sleep.
However, the problem has always been putting into practice sleeping enough.

I would approach this problem from a whole different perspective and of course more organized. I would be using the transtheoretical model to get a further understanding of the real
issue I have over my lack of sleeping time.

Hehe, a brief introduction, the transtheoretical model is a health Pyschology theory that explains and predict whether someone would follow a certain health beneficial behaviour. In this case, would be sleeping about 6-8 hours a day.

The first stage would be the precontemplation stage. Anyone in this stage would not have any intention to change their behaviour. Well, I think I have already passed this stage because of the existence of this blog as well as my attempt in sleeping early occasionally.

The next stage would be the contemplation stage whereby an individual is aware of the problem of a certain behavior but are not willing to change that behaviour. I am fully aware of the problem of not having enough sleep. In a long-term scale, having less than 6 hours of sleep shortens one's life span although having more than 8 hours sleep also causes a significant impact on a person's lifespan according to a research. However, I think I am not in this stage too as I already have taken action in changing my behavior.

The third stage would be the preparation stage. In this stage, a person has both thoughts and actions to make preparation to change a behavior. The thoughts could be like what are the best way to make the effective change and the motivation of it. The next stage would be the action stage in which a person makes obvious observable changes to their behavior. Well, I think I am in this stage =).... This is because I had actually made observable changes (though not consistent) in my behaviour that is to sleep adequately.

Lastly, is the maintenance stage in which I WAS once in. This stage requires a person to maintain their changed behaviour. For a week or two, I had actually been having adequate sleep. However, the temptation to sleep late is just toooooo hard to resist! The thing with this transtheoretical model is that a person can progress through the stages AS WELL AS REGRESS through the stages.

The reason I approached my health problem using this method is because I would be able to clearly define my problem and take specific action to solve my problem according to the problem I have. For example, I don't really need to know the dangers of sleeping to change my behaviour because I already knew them! =D ... But maybe since I am in the action stage, I would need to be motivated to see the long-term rewards I would obtain if I continue to get adequate sleep.

So all in all,
Your encouragement motivates me along tooo!!!!!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

~Time to reconsider~

Hi everyone again!.....

Progress update thus far: 8/2/2012...

----> Sleeping time has never been more terrible these past days...
Reason being...
1) Holiday season
2) Increasing tonnes of assignment
3) Personal problems

I think I may really need to reconsider the way I approach my bad sleeping time and formulate appropriate strategies....hmph.....

Any ideas????????~~

Time to look at this from some Health Psych theories...
I guess I would need to study this unhealthy behavior in a more effective way.
Will let you know in the next update =)

Sunday 29 January 2012

~Inconsistent Improvement~

Greetings all!
My updates thus far:
Sleeping time -----> Improved! (Well at least I've slept 7 hours a day)..
However, my sleeping time is not really consistent. One day I would sleep at 12 a.m and another day I would sleep at 3 a.m... So again, it is not really healthy as I would wake up late~~
From today onwards, I would set my time to sleep @ 11 p.m latest....
I hope I would be able to make it...Like a Boss! =D

Thursday 26 January 2012

Meeting 'Lady Tremaine'...

Hi there! Happy Chinese New Year to everybody....So far my determination to maintain a fixed amount of sleeping time failed me thus far. Initially, I thought that maintaining proper sleeping time is something relatively easy. However, I was proven otherwise throughout my holidays back in my hometown.

Apparently, I have slept less than 5 hours daily throughout this week which is not a very successful steps in changing my unhealthy habits. I guess I have met my 'Lady Tremaine' ('Lady Tremaine' is the main villain in Cinderella) which is the lack of discipline in my life...It is something I definitely need to overcome to succeed in getting adequate amount of sleeping time.

Due to the lack of sleep throughout the week, I had constantly felt really tired and fatigued and I would need more naps in the evening. Occasionally when I am driving around, the effect of inadequate sleeping time would take a toll on my concentration during driving and it is really dangerous as I would be 'blur' when I am driving. Apart from that, sleeping time is jumbled up as now I am widely awake during the night and insanely sleepy during the afternoon.

I realize I must change now! Time to set my priority in the right place and set 11pm latest as my sleeping time from today onwards. Will let everyone know on my progress again =)....

Thank you all for your support and encouragement...Appreciate it much!

Thursday 19 January 2012

Making a difference!

Hello everyone!!! My name is Joshua Hor Hung Jian and currently in my second year second semester..This blog would be my journey (and part of my Health Psychology assignment as well =P) in improving my health habits =)

My goal by the end of this semester (hopefully earlier) would be to improve my sleeping time. Daily, I am having less than 6 hours of sleep including weekends and it certainly affected my life in many ways. The shortage of sleep causes me to be easily fatigue especially during the evening. I have also trouble in concentrating in a certain matter for a period of time.

Thus hopefully with this blog and goal in mind, I would be able to make a change in this unhealthy behavior and I WOULD BE ABLE TO RECEIVE SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT from you =) cause it may be difficult to discipline myself to sleep according to a fixed time. There are just too many nice shows to watch at night! =P

Until then,
see ya!