Thursday 19 January 2012

Making a difference!

Hello everyone!!! My name is Joshua Hor Hung Jian and currently in my second year second semester..This blog would be my journey (and part of my Health Psychology assignment as well =P) in improving my health habits =)

My goal by the end of this semester (hopefully earlier) would be to improve my sleeping time. Daily, I am having less than 6 hours of sleep including weekends and it certainly affected my life in many ways. The shortage of sleep causes me to be easily fatigue especially during the evening. I have also trouble in concentrating in a certain matter for a period of time.

Thus hopefully with this blog and goal in mind, I would be able to make a change in this unhealthy behavior and I WOULD BE ABLE TO RECEIVE SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT from you =) cause it may be difficult to discipline myself to sleep according to a fixed time. There are just too many nice shows to watch at night! =P

Until then,
see ya!

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