Sunday 11 March 2012

The day of change has arrived!!!!

Finally, success!!!!

Well, lately I’ve been getting pretty enough sleep (7-8 hours) consistently =P…. Apparently, the world now looks brighter in some way and I felt so much less fatigued! Sleeping time is improving slowly and hopefully it would be back to normal. Usually, I would sleep at about 3 a.m and wake up at afternoon. Well now, it’s getting earlier and earlier (not in the sense of ‘early in the morning’ a.m. but like 11 p.m plus).

Although sleeping time still is pretty messed up (sometime sleeping 11 p.m sometime 2 a.m), there definitely was improvement these days!

Usually I find it really hard to sleep at 11 p.m because my body is not used to it after a long long period of late hour sleeping. Now, I could fall asleep normally at 11 p.m.

The hardest part of course is maintaining this good habit. Towards the end of the semester, there would be a lot of assignments to handle and true enough, this semester is no exception. I realize in order for me to maintain this pattern of health behavior, I would need to complete my assignments early and consistently to avoid last-minute work which usually would need me to burn the midnight oil. After all, I would usually sleep late because of completing assignments.

Apart from that, I would also need to set my sleeping time to 11 p.m daily to improve my sleeping time because I would be having 8 a.m. class for three days in a week. I received many complaints from lecturer that I was not paying attention like how I used to @ 8 a.m. classes. Well, that is entirely my fault for being stubborn.

Alright, see ya soon! Will keep you updated with my progress! =)

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